Perkins County Commissioners meet the 1st Tuesday following the 1st Wednesday of every month.

rural Commissioner Districts #3, #4, and #5
Lemmon Commissioner Voting Districts #1-#2

Often scrutinized and seldom recognized is the important role of the men and women who shoulder the responsibility of county government through service as a County Commissioner. The acts of county commissioners control the destiny, prosperity and general well-being of the residents and businesses of Perkins County.
The County Commission has a board of five commissioners who are elected to staggered terms of 4 years. They are responsible for the oversight of every service that each county office provides. They are responsible for the care, preservation or sale of all county property; the audit of accounts of all officers having the care, management, collection or disbursements of any moneys belonging to the county; levying taxes; construction and repair of bridges; to open, vacate and change highways; to appoint judges of the election; and as a board of equalization, to equalize the assessment roll of the county in the manner provided by law; to furnish necessary equipment and supplies to county offices; to superintend the fiscal concerns of the county and secure their management in the best possible manner; to regulate the transaction of business in alcoholic beverages; to make ordinances prohibiting the sale or exhibition of any obscene matter; and for zoning, solid waste and water management along with a host of other issues that arise affecting the county.